

"can't take the soldier out ot the man, huh Athos?"

ha! that's great and terrible at the same time… Banderas is the only thing in that show that struck me as halfway decent


Do you think it's feasible for a private individual to successfully complete a manned mission to Uranus?

yes, people who don't understand the difference between worse and worst.

Charlie Brown's teacher always sounded like a hoot.

Peppa Pig. I wanna have Brian Blessed as my gym teacher/friendly lighthouse keeper/home submarine builder.

they made a Doc Samson movie?

who wants to see a movie about a bunch of leather pouches that tell racist jokes that's basically a remake of some better Hong Kong action film?

I remember people complaining about this being a trope back when Mulan came out

I'm down for more movies about old superheroes… maybe Maggie Smith as Destiny with Helen Mirren as Mystique in a quiet drama reminiscing about their wilder young days while trying to sort out whether Destiny is suffering from dementia or her powers are still working

I think you mean Jet Li there, Dr. Huxtable

I didn't even know L&O:SVU was still on!

like when Jon Lovitz showed up on Friends?

we're just hitting the "20-30 years off your life" time for a lot of famous people this year

rewatched Apaloosa, They Call Me Mister Tibbs, and Prometheus(it's a Christmas movie), then watched Get the Gringo

there's always Rouge One, about a ragtag group of space drag queens who wage a battle across the stars to keep the Empire from destroying their theater planet


2016 is now the banner year for you to show your kids and say DON'T DO DRUGS