If Beyonce were a celebrity or brand you didn’t worship, you wouldn’t be calling this win-win.
If Beyonce were a celebrity or brand you didn’t worship, you wouldn’t be calling this win-win.
Slow content day?
How many fucking gays do you think there are in Atlanta? And plenty supported Bottoms. Put your hate elsewhere.
When the fuck did 6 million people move to Atlanta? you’re off by about 5.5 million.
Plenty of us do this too, cause we look better than most white people naked.
She’s a mess. Let’s not forget her crass take on Cosby accusers, “them bitches frontin’ like they wasn’t trying to get some of that pudding pop!”
Hey at least she didn’t call anyone a faggot or do anything homophobic this time. That’s an improvement for her.
Love KD. Well said.
This is right (it’s “antics” for them and “failure to respect” for us), but comparing to UCLA players who committed a crime is not logically consistent. None of these people should be punished that much. I think the non-punishment for Mayfield is appropriate for the non-offense he committed. And a couple games on ice…
There are a lot of excellent black women in the Democratic Party (many of them recruited by Donna) and the Party would be better off if any one of them took Donna’s place. This effort to rehab the bullshit in her book as though she is being picked on because of her gender and race is more bullshit.
Not a troll, but I’m in the grays because I pushback against the idea that alienating white liberals will fix anything. Don’t care if I get out either.
In addition to Medicaid, we should push to have restoration of voting rights by right for non-violent felons* (not by privilege) on the ballot in 2018.
*It should be all felons who served their time, but we need to start with non-violent ones so that white moderates don’t get scared.
Let’s go to Ryan Lochte for commentary. Ryan?
She’s more compassionate but just as stupid. Factory jobs are not coming back and if they did, then the cost of goods would be so high (and the wages so low because what these people don’t get is that unions are what made factory jobs so great) that the people working in the factories could not afford them. Democrats…
The idea that millennials were going to age-out racism was always absurd. Racist adults have racist kids.
Straw woman used to make broad generalizations about all white women in interracial relationship... checks browser bar, yup, it’s the Root.
This isn’t really offensive, though. This is using a phantom thing (“triggering”) to divide people who are all being abused by the shithead in the white house. This is kind of “my victimhood is better than yours” shit that isn’t going to get us anywhere. Pitbull’s heart might be in the right place, and his actions and…
Fuck this guy. That’s all.
No, this isn’t misappropriation, appropriation, or even lane changing — it’s Halloween and our shit is cool. Our icons are cool. People want to be them. This doesn’t deserve outrage.
I didn’t shower at the gym when I was in school in a mostly white district, but no one else did either. Now I shower at the gym (stalls with doors, not a prison shower room) and I towel up when I’m done. And it isn’t a gay panic thing — it’s a just be decent thing.
Old white men are not decent.
Without possibility of parole? How would the unjust application of an unjust feature of our criminal justice system help anyone?
They shouldn’t be charged with second degree murder. This is manslaughter or involuntary manslaughter.
And you didn’t say this, but others have said as much: I don’t get how the response to a…