Neil Nevins

Yeah, all these annoying people with their virtue comedy signaling. Why can’t the show be as funny as Mr. Ed?

“So then, it’s a few years later, and Forrest has to move to get his AIDS kid closer to treatment at this clinic in the Rockies. He gets a job as a substitute teacher for the local school district, and guess what?

Yeah I’m not easily offended but that’s tone deaf as all hell.

OK forget the idiocy of shoehorning him into OJ’s Bronco and stupid shit like that - someone actually thought having him sit in front of the Murrah federal building while it collapsed was anything other than hideously offensive??  Every detail in this writeup sounds misbegotten.

Don Hertzfeldt is a genius that we don’t appreciate enough or deserve.

I’m not entirely convinced that Julie Kavner hasn’t been replaced already. 

Grimey also plans to grab some high voltage power lines with her bare hands in protest of fat lazy white slobs improbably failing upwards in life.

I think I might be old.  

That’s a real Clinton-Trump style choice there, in that one is better than the other but neither are good.

If it’s a serious question: Craftsmanship is not all that matters. The review itself lays out why I think the film, which is quite good, falls short of the A range.

This is a periodic reminder that Fox was being sold whether anyone liked it or not and that if Disney hadn’t bought it, Comcast would have and NOBODY would have preferred that.

I did not. Randall wrote about it from SXSW. This is the full, official review.

The X-men will pop up again soon, it’ll just be after everybody gets recast post Dark Phoenix with fresh MCU actors (that hopefully come with more comic-accurate outfits).

Interesting that the Disney masthead now includes both Deadpool and, uh, the fish-fucking stars of The Shape of Water, but none of the X-Men.  How the mighty have fallen.

If we can go ahead and use that header image from Hertzfeldt for every story about The Simpsons henceforth, that’d be swell.

I think they win in Civilization 6.

I wasn’t crazy about Get Out, which I thought didn’t stand up especially well to scrutiny either, but I’ve been pretty excited for this. There’s no denying Peele has an eye for horror imagery and it looks like he went all out here, and Nyong’o appears to have finally gotten the chance to fully deliver on the promise

Yeah, I’m at the point now where I think YouTube should remove all videos with children in them. I’m sure the vast majority of them are fine, but between these horror stories we’re hearing of abusive content creators and pedophile viewers...

Are people really that attached to, like, the 15th most interesting character in the toy story movies?

Oh, internet. You never fail in your unending efforts to give me something I don’t give a fuck about.