Neil Nevins

thanks for the valuable input, Ask me about my nards

so glad the wealthy elite are weighing in on how to improve our fast food. they’re just like us!

your experiences on “gross out” are not universal

and to think this man was writing a screenplay for a socially-aware Pepe LePew movie

No really. Google it. This was going to be a thing.

and here I thought Sacha Baron Cohens Youtuber character from Who is America was too outlandish to be believable

jesus can we NOT give attention towards Shane Dawson’s obnoxious conspiracy videos?

oh no doubt. it’s easily the funniest thing Disney’s ever put out and it’s remarkable it came out as strong a movie as it did considering its production history. i’d even say it’s been one of the best uses of Spades talent

the strongest thing on his resume will probably be Emperor’s New Groove.

considering its 1/2 of what the original opened to on an equally crappy weekend in 2014, $35MM certainly isnt great considering right now theres 0 competition in the family department with that King Arthur Kids film being a dud; by all accounts it should have opened higher with families starving for something to

This is a real shame. They’re continuously smart and witty films that have more to offer than the likes of Illumination Entertainments minion factory. Even Ninjago gets unrightfully dumped on. The original Lego Movie is one of my favorite animated films so I guess it makes me sad to see there’s so little goodwill for

what a downgrade. dude was the worst thing about Godzilla, Kick Ass, and Age of Ultron

the big showstopper Prince Ali sequence is lookin like an Epcot parade

Larry David swears by club soda and salt

I think out of the entire MCU characters, Ragnarok and everything following gave Thor the biggest glow-up. With the right script and director he can be so much damn fun yet also with this sense of a forlorn nature under the surface

hey dont forget Captain Underpants!

Guardians of the Galaxy came during a pretty rough summer in my life but it took my mind off of a lot of it and just made me so happy if only for a couple hours every time I saw it. It was so off the wall with this bizarre dysfunctionality that came together seamlessly and I couldn’t believe there was a film like it.

hes asking for $68 mill because $1 mill more would have been too on the nose even for him

Jesus saved him

this probably would have started filming back in the fall had Disney not shit the bed on this whole situation. This has probably put a huge kink in their carefully calculated schedule and its what they deserve. Theyve rightfully earned the headache this has given them but kudos I guess for fully committing to a bonehe

weird question but how does one actually become an audience in test screening/focus groups for these big films? is it like being in the right place at the right time or friends and family of industry workers?