Neil Nevins

A very dedicated and thorough breakdown! I personally preferred the early Tennant years as I always enjoyed my Who episodes on the more episodic and whimsical. The long arcs tended to get a bit bogged down for me and I admittedly remember beginning to tune out around the time of River Song/Let’s Kill Hitler which I sti

I was 15 when that episode came out and was watching with my mom. I laughed so hard She asked why that line was so funny and I immediately realized I couldn’t explain why I knew the reference so I lamely explained “it’s just the way he said it”

we can only hope

the advent of political news has changed substantially since the days of George Dubya and with social media we know more and more what’s happening the minute it happens as well as the feedback from anyone with enough of a voice to get it out there. I saw the movie this weekend and I liked it, but all the sound bites

you seem like the one triggered because a majority of the world’s leaders are rightfully laughing at what a joke your dipshit prez has turned our country into

Bowing my head in respect for the one year rememberance of Malcolm and the Middle being taken off (that one hurt the most)

were just lettin anyone be millionaires these days!

nah nah nah gonna have a good time

I still get giggles thinking about his skit with Drew Barrymore when he asks with a degree of verbal weight What was it like...working alongside with the E.T”

i think stateside it’ll definitely be a trend of diminishing returns but given the first one made over $800 worldwide, it seems the overseas audiences eat it up no matter what so that’ll unfortunately keep these things chugging along

just to add onto this, I remember seeing the first one at a midnight premiere and the second the big Johnny Depp reveal arrived there was a near immediate response of laughter and “what the fuck”s?

i can’t get over how outright DUMB Depp looks in every frame he’s in. Yeah a shake up in actors might have been weird but given they want to make 5 of these things I guarantee few would have cared by the end of it if it meant going back to a portrayal like Colin Farrell. We SEE this is a wizard who takes on different

hes right

cool cool all well and good


yeah I love getting $20 extra on a paycheck even if it means kids have been put in cages/died in the process.

There will never be a Joker reveal in the years to come that can ever live up to the internet getting its first look at a screaming Jared Leto with a “damaged tattoo on his forehead and as bad as that movie was, seeing the audiences not even waste a minute in collectively making fun of that stupid Joker design made

I feel like there was a brief point from 2010-2013 when every R rated comedy used How You Like Me Now? in their trailers

i never thought i’d say these words, but Chevy Chase was right

for the life of me I do not get that people actually liked something as ugly and off-puttingly bad as Big Mouth

I cant wait for fellow millennial parents to show the original to their kids to amp them up for a sequel only for everyones collective response to be

“oh wow. this actually sucked”