Broadway Blues

The fact is: Movie Theaters rarely see more than pennies per-ticket on ANY movie; no matter how good or bad the movie is or how many tickets are sold.
EXCEPT When a movie is good, stays longer than two weeks and sells a lot of tickets. That's the only way they make more money.

I took your suggestion, watched "Rejected" on YouTube just now. I loved it. Especially one particular part where the two characters are bangning on the, I guess it's the "paper fourth wall" trying to get out while chaos and destruction ensues. Effin hilarious!
It really cheered me up and changed my rather negative

And what, if any, iconography did you find? Seriously, I'm just curious


I'm strong Grrr. Like the Hulk. My shoes hurt (I love you).

She was awesome in that movie about the football player she adopted.
Sandra Bullock delivered in "Gravity". But it was subtle, so I can understand why most of the internet missed it.

I haven't been thrilled and entertained so perfectly since I saw "Lincoln". The movie is truly breathtaking and formula breaking.

dat ruuuelz

NO. Hell no. Not for 35 years now NO.  I've tried to get into DC, can't. Just corny to me. Can't put my finger on it. Although Man Of Steel was EPIC and totally owned this summer, even over IM3

It was a Life Model Decoy.  The Deus Ex Machina SUPREME of the Marvel Universe!

Katy Perry is one of those fat girls in waiting. Like, the minute she's not famous, her shit will start expanding exponentially until she's Britney-Spears level white-trash fat. Amy Adams is a good example of someone who is gonna be fat one day and is just working out like a nazxi while she's a star.

What I don't get is out of all the schools in the world, Jack White and Dan Auerbach BOTH have kids in the SAME school???

I had no idea who I was listening to when i first heard "Fell In Love With A Girl" on the radio. But I DID have a one word first-impression that I couldn't ignore-

Jack's ex-wife "I need more Prozac"
Jack: "Girl. You've got no faith in medicine"

I'm gonna fill you with my demon gel. I'mma make you scream like my scarlet pimpernel.