
You do know that sex workers aren’t only women right? Nor are most sex workers on the low end of the socioeconomic spectrum. Interestingly enough, female porn stars make much more than their male counterparts, both gay and straight. Sex workers likely choose those positions because they see opportunity and

They want us to starve and die. They want us to work low paying, high-stress jobs with no health care.

First they wanted us off the streets, now they’re trying to force us back on by shutting off other means of finding clients. I wish they’d make their minds up.

Have you noticed how a lot of the hazards around sex work would be significantly reduced if sex work wasn’t criminalized? HMMMMMMMMM.

Sex workers are going to be hurt by this. It will make their jobs harder and more dangerous. It also removes a main way that sex traffickers are identified by authorities, and caught.

That’s awful! Very sorry this is happening.

I can assure you I would turn to sex work before ever going back into food service, even at $15/hr.

Cool, and until you’re “given” that world do you support the rights of women (and some men, and lots of gender fluid/non binary people but I’ve noticed that antis tend to forget sex workers aren’t just cis women) to earn a living by a means of their choosing as safely as possible or nah?

In a utopian setting, sex work would likely be pretty normalized.

Once bp goes down I won’t be able to work at all and I can’t rely on my old customers to get in contact with me. I personally don’t like the idea of doing camming. It seems like this will also affect sugar baby sites. It’s sucks that this is happening in March during a slow down month. Honestly, I’m not sure what to

I’m pretty sure 95% of Americans under 45 cannot drive a stick shift. Meanwhile, in Europe, 95% of people that drive (a lot of young people don’t drive), both men and women, can. This an American vs world thing, not a man and woman thing. There are plenty of “oh women can’t do [x]” stereotypes to be outraged about,

I agree. I didn’t take that as a jab at women at all. I am one of the few people I know who can drive a stick.

Most Americans can’t drive stick. It seemed more of a two Americans in Europe joke to me.

It’s his cover of Feeling Good (originally from a 1960s musical mostly about class war in Britain, but made famous by Nina Simone).

I just watched the trailer with my partner and he said it looked awful, and I replied that it’s exactly the kind of movie I love watching when he’s not home, with a large glass of wine.

Well, that’s two of us.

I’m so down for anything with Kate McKinnon in it and I don’t hate Mila Kunis, so I will watch this some day.

YEESSS. Also I really hated her selfish, awful friends; right after she gives them fantastic, expensive gifts, they play keep away with her phone while her known-hardass boss (the source of those expensive gifts!) is calling.

YES! I agree with the original poster about Andy’s bf and friends being terribly unsupportive but Miranda was still not an awesome person. It had nothing to do with her being a divorced woman who excelled at her job.

I felt like the turning point was the bit in the limo where Miranda says “Everyone wants this”. Well, no, everyone doesn’t. And I think Andy realized that she didn’t want to live that life. She had her contacts, and experience, and it was time to move on.