
I know when I think of country music, “politically correct” is definitely the first descriptor that comes to mind.

bwahaha your last line made me legit lol. just the idea that people are concerned about these celeb babies is ridiculous. plus i got a real good mental image of a baby chained to a radiator in a basement eating paint chips

I have a love-hate relationship with her. She cracks me up but at the same time I just wish she’d just tone it down sometimes. She comes across as excessively thirsty to me.

Technically, aren’t all of our bodies post-baby bodies? Unless you’re a baby, I mean.

Ew. This outfit is heinous.

You’re totally right. She should’ve just kept this to herself.

North is smarter than her parents

Nah..this is ‘himself’ during a cold (this guy is a chameleon that has a variety of totally different looks anyway..both on-screen and off-screen). The Borat 80's pornstache were kept for his role in Show Me a Hero (which he won a Golden Globe for it)

I didn’t want to sex-bang him in the first place. And he looks really dirty and greasy here, which is a huge turn-off for me.

and they say our pot is stronger than theirs was. Yeah. Sure.

I did meth for years, and I am all about Bernie! #notallexmethheads

So, she interviews the daughter, asks the number, then won’t publish it because she thinks it will be upsetting to her husband, but says it’s a really high number. OK.

Than learn how to write and express yourself more clearly. Seriously, it’s just awful

You mean the cult that convinced my friend he was an alcoholic after being forced to attend meetings because he pulled a fire alarm?

Um, really? You’d think that drug addicts would be happy as long as they just had social tolerance and access to their drugs? If that’s the case, why in God’s name should anyone frown on drug addiction?

It’s annoying because they often ARENT speaking in unison, and they actually sound a lot more like two theater students doing mirror exercises where one is a split second off, and the drama coach is one missed phrase from yelling at both of them to get their shit together if they want to land that “creepy twins” part

Azealia Banks would like to kill Iggy Azalea?

He was 18, a scholarship boy from a bitterly broken home, a star scholar-athlete—captain of the varsity soccer team—who had won full-ride admission to Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth, Brown, Duke, Stanford, Middlebury, and the University of Virginia, and two days later would be the winner of the headmaster’s award

I can’t believe you ate it.