
I’m sure it does look amazing on the Pro, but truth be told that sort of thing has never really bothered me with this genre. The action mode in this game feels so damn good that I wish every 30fps would steal the idea. And while Bloodborne may be really purty, I would’ve signed a deal with the devil for less shiny

That is a good choice.


Man, there are a lot of problems with the original EVA series but good god is that opening not one of them. This is fucking great. Thanks for sharing.

Ahh man, i enjoy happy endings

Online got a DLCwith a story-linethat hasa lot of Lamar in it!

Yeah he comes across as more of an asshole here than anything. Time to stop paying attention to him for another few years.

That’s not trolling, that’s being a godamned calculating LIAR.

Now playing

The original soundtrack would HAVE to be there though, Firestarter and Loops of Fury always remind me of Wipeout.

XL was the first one I ever played so it does hold a special place in my memory. The PSP titles are probably next on the list followed by HD/Fury and then 2048.

Still the best one. Though I thought Wip3out was pretty decent at the time. It oozed minimalism out of every pore.

Weird. I wouldn’t mind if this was a mashup of all the games on one engine. A greatest hits remix of sorts. I want to support Wipeout but I am not interested in playing 3 different / old versions.

“Five must watch anime for fujoshi” title corrected

Both being higher profile.

Both being higher profile.

I’m glad Daigo won. ISDD is one of the most annoying SF streamers ever, and he would have kept mentioning this moment.

Overrun was an awesome mode and Gears 2 was the worst Gears as far as multiplayer was concerned IMO.

Really great show, never expected it to be as good as it is.

I completely agree with you bristolfrenchy. Gears 2 forward changed the way the roadie run feels and how agile you feel on dodges. Completely changed the game for me and it never felt right again. Gears 1 was the pinnacle of GoW multiplayer by a long shot. I would gladly take a GoW remaster with only the bugs(weapon

I liked the map I captured footage on. Another was “Boomtown” and it wasn’t as great. It was wonderful if you had a grappling hook but the narrow city streets tended to funnel Titans into really strict paths.