PS4, Xbox One, PC and Switch.
PS4, Xbox One, PC and Switch.
It sold 3 million copies already.
I played the beta and thought it was kinda meh :^/ that said I guess the PS4 does need more arcade racing games.
Tell me something I don’t know, it’s been known for a week already.
We have a somewhat strained past with our population originating from our former colonies but cops are less trigger-happy here as gun laws are stricter.
May I ask what you’re referring to? It was not the French president who issued a Muslim ban, was it?
You know the guy is likely Muslim? 90% of Malians are. I should know since my father emigrated from there.
More like a rip-off.
I don’t think that’s her point.
Apparently most people think 60 is always better:
Alt-right warriors at work.
The games were leaked last week along with pictures of the Neo Geo Mini:
Was the improved framerate made more stable by one of the almost daily updates? Because I remember some reviews advising against playing on performance mode.
No longer do I have to wait five seconds every time I try to load up the PlayStation store
Imagine one with all the JoJo characters.
A.I.C.O Incarnation
I guess sequels don’t qualify.
Yeah, just a watch a Let’s Play. It’s really not that good.
I went down to Boulevard Voltaire, a central Parisian street that also happens to have a dozen game stores.
“Mixed babies look the nicest”