
Made in Abyss was pretty great and Inuyashiki pretty good. Neither are shonen though.

I’m GAR for Goro.

Yeah, I know it’s not really advertisement, but still lying to consumer, like “Hold on to that copy... DLC is coming...”

Very disappointed with Rockstar on that one. I was dreaming of playing Lamar in some DLC.

My homepage shows an ad for the latest Star Wars movies but this one can’t be removed I guess.

I always respected Blanka in SFIV because he could punish my Sonic Booms with his slide.

Should professional perfomers and entertainers do away with stage names too?

Unlike jocks and pro athletes... Oh wait!

Smart and Ubi don’t belong in the same sentence.

Typical Ubichiottes BS.

Overwatch forum user SilverSkyway contended that it could be worse: Players like aimbotcalvin could be running around at lower ranks, stomping new players like ants.

It’s pretty typical of competitive players though, anybody ranked beneath them is bad.

I thought the real estate stuff was a bit tedious unlike the cabaret mini-game which was really fun.

Personally, I still keep a memo pad around for writing down stray thoughts and to-do’s.

Tullamore D.E.W. is my favorite whisky. Also pretty cheap here in France at €15.

Somehow related Kotaku article:

I thought this looked like an OK season. This Fall I’m only watching 2 shows.

Previous Capcom Cup champion NuckleDu plays on controller too.

Yeah, that was I said “you could”.