
There’s actually a medal named “The Order of Hippocrates”.

Nice pic but not sure why gamers might find it interesting. I thought it was from GTA V or something.

I’m not trying to have an argument either.

Well, I don’t see the problem with the other buttons not being on the face, unless you need to plink. I used to play SF4 with a 360 pad before I got an arcade stick and did pretty well. A fellow countryman of mine (Luffy) won Evo 2014 playing with a PS1 pad. I guess fighting games have arcade sticks support because

Last time I checked pads had 8 buttons though.

Yeah, ISDD is an infamous ragequitter too. Glad he lost to the Beast.

As a (straight) male, should I feel offended by the fanservice in a sports anime like Free! ?

How many of them are fujoshi?

Check out Boku no Pico.

I thought Survival was fine but a bit short for Horde fans, I guess. I mostly played Overrun myself.

It works well enough in Paragon, though RNGesus and all that...

Gladiator (5 Academy Awards including Best Picture) not in top 100.

It’s gonna be Diamond is Unbreakable, over several movies, shot in Spain.

My pick: Saint Seiya.

The type of school that would do the same when a team had black players back in the day...

Street Fighter III’s suit-clad human-muscle Urien

Ah ah... Hell naw!

It is indeed strange they do unannounced PSN maintenances. PSN didn’t work either a week ago. Some say it was DDOS attack (like the one on EA servers a few days before that), in retaliation to the PS+ price increase in NA.