If I remember correctly, Blazblue games show you who’s your opponent’s main character. I think it’s a nice way to avoid playing against hated characters, to some extent.
If I remember correctly, Blazblue games show you who’s your opponent’s main character. I think it’s a nice way to avoid playing against hated characters, to some extent.
I’ve only watched the French dub with the US soundtrack. I need to watch the original Japanese version sometime.
Maybe he likes The Legend of Koizumi, a manga/anime on global political figures playing mahjong against each other. He’s yet to appear in it though.
I’d rather they spend all resources on the next Gears game.
Demon’s Souls has sold over 1.7 million copies though.
When you said out of shape I thought of Prince Fielder, Pablo Sandoval, and many other guys.
Stop making excuses, Mr. Angry White Male. Nobody believes them.
Definitely less risky. I haven’t played it much but that Rock Howard combo was pretty cool!
Same here. I can parry fireballs and that’s pretty much it. LOL
Preach it, brother. Ultras are stupid too IMO.
The red, green, and blue buttons indicate he mixed controllers from Steel Battalion and Steel Battalion: Line of Contact.
Fortunately there’s a checkpoint mid-game.
And I’d disagree with calling the OVA garbage by any means. I remember marathoning it when it was released here 12 years ago, having a blast, then proceeding to buy all the volumes available at the time in the French edition.
(Can’t click on the TMNT pic for some reason)