By Riker's Bristling Beard

And oh boy when I’m trying to defend my film what I definitely want to do is invoke the name of another big budget box office bomb

*Kivas has entered the chat*

I will quote the OP here

Plus, in terms of the opening, it also has the side effect of making the sight of babies falling to their deaths feel slightly less traumatic.

Yeah I was about to come in here and say that about Sabra being most closely associated with hummus, so I’m glad to see your comment here. On a hummus related note, there’s a funny scene in the new History of the World Pt 2 (episode 7) on Hulu where the Oslo peace accords nearly get derailed by a joke from the Swedish

Did they change the name because of conspiracy people or was it just because they didn't want to be associated with Hulk Hogan? Because honestly when I hear the phrase New World Order, 90's era WCW is the first thing I think of. And I didn't even watch WCW.

To me, Sabra is my favorite store-bought hummus, but I still can’t find a store-bought brand that comes anywhere close to the hummus I get from various Mediterranean places around town.

I assumed they watched Nanette so they were under the impression she was not a comedian.  

Keith Hernandez!!!

Get that bitch a Picasso. Bitches LOVE Picassos.”


Left out of this article but very much discussed in the NYT piece is the fact that the Picassos obtained for the exhibition are pretty much whatever random stuff they could get. There’s no effort to find pieces that demonstrate Picasso’s misogyny or his cultural impact. It’s just “here’s some Picassos!”

The Brooklyn Museum has been a sad place for years now.

“Please sir, c’n I have some minotaur?”

Because they can be labyrinthian? 

Why would there be a minotaur in a Dickens’ novel?

Crossing my fingers for Jane Krakowski!

Split the difference--Kerry Washington.

Gross. There’s no reason to reshoot anything. Simply recast him without an in-universe explanation like they did for Hulk and War Machine. 

So he was Mephisto all along?