
Good to know we can opt out. Doing that now.

I have it streaming on a 2nd monitor in the background to collect the free tokens while I work/do something else on the computer. I don’t ever actually watch it.

Maybe they can try Welsh; strip Mabinogi and Vindictus from Nexon/devCAT and go from there.

What’s funny is I didn’t even know this game existed. I was hyped for some other game and thought this was it (I just remember the trailer/gameplay showcasing an old woman in the streets of London doing crazy stuff).

That's not entirely true. See President Carter.

The art style is a turn-off for me. I’d rather just play the DS games again. That’s not to say that the games won’t be good, but that art style is just not my cup of tea.

They used the Switch mnemonic for the announcement. It’s for Switch.

It’s enjoyable for a stint every now and then, but you’re right, it’s definitely not for long periods of time. I booted it up yesterday for the 1st time in months just to try out the new maps. Played it an hour with a friend and that satisfied us until basically Summer. Back to Stardew Valley and that update.

This is the first time I’m hearing of this game... sounds neat though. Can’t wait for it to come out!

That’s the problem. I’ve been so starved for a new GTA game, that I bought this day one because it’s basically GTA but with a dystopian future in my eyes. I’m honestly enjoying the game. Yeah, there’s a bug here and there, and the AI could definitely be better, but I’m making it worth my $60.

Also, Rockstar needs to

They will still allow those who’ve downloaded it to redownload the title. They still allow DSiWare and WiiWare titles to be redownloaded despite the servers being shut down over a year ago.

Right? It’s not like a super hyped up game isn’t coming out this week or anything that’s available through Steam.

It's because this isn't the first time. It's just another stepping stone in PC culture from a generation where "everything is offensive" to them.

Sony and Microsoft were just following Nintendo with their 3DS/New 3DS line.

I be all 5 owners of the console will be happy.

Damn. Life in Aggro is dark this week.

I've been calling it the Con Flu. Even with Vitamin Boosters, you're most likely gonna get something from it.

Isn't that why PAX West waited until mid-June before finally calling off their in-person plans?

The cheapest it'll be is right now. It will never go down, only up.

Considering Nintendo went back to cartridges, yeah I’d say so.