
Kyle from South Park?

Good lord those character designs are some of the worst I've seen. What's with the mummy wraps.

Even when they're made of Legos, the Broncos can't block for shit.

Cornish PASTIES. And it's not pronounced the same as the nipple ones, either.

Seems logical - if you want to get started on a sequel for a movie nobody's seen yet, the obvious choice is to get the screenwriter for two movies that nobody watched.

Isn't this Maria Hill in the background? If so then clearly that isn't her body on the slab.

everyone became a hipster, a model, or a hipster model.

Lilo and Stitch did so many things right.

Much more practical

I used to bump kids in those cars with my Power Wheels Jeep 4x4.

Can someone please pick him up and pair him with a skinny cat named "Sketti"?

I was really hoping it'd be Craig Ferguson.

Buy him a kitten when he's ten. Call it Meowth. Help teach him the responsibilities of being a real-life "trainer" (caring for animals, living alongside them sustainably). This is really perfect that the kid cares so much.

If they were real, the death count on the planet would be absurdly high.

Careful what you wish for young one!


You know what has always bothered me about the Turtles? (I mean, among the great many things that bug me about everything)

"Phew! No longer the dirtiest piss in Yankee Stadium"

"Wow, that guy's got a huge dick!"

+1. You are going to get soooo many burner comments pal.