
There’s a guy who LOVES his job :(

Bald faced lying with a gun. JFC.

All women are bitchy. Obviously.

I am sorry, Conservatives are completely fine with innocent people being killed in cold blood by law enformecent (as long as they are black)?

Isn’t it hilarious how the focus of the list is on the unborn, and screw the aged, the disabled and the infirm?

The way it is now is that it’s Trump who is apparently immune to critique and Clinton is held to high standards. But that’s completely okay, of course.

Only if you consider “spend more tax money on it” an absolutely impossible concept.

PC culture is out of control!

How can you never even have seen a photo of Bowie ever?

Please tell me that’s a calf, not a dog.

Apparently it’s super feminist to see women as one hive mind. Who knew.

That’s really unfair, I’ve read some fanfic that had a stellar plot and great pacing.

Thank you! I was boggled by the picture. That’s not proper couscous, that’s pasta!

I have 1 letter on my wrist and didn’t know in advance which one it would be ( I agonised for WEEKS which side should be up. In the end I lucked out because I got a H. Solved!

Now I’m wondering if the copy editor added the line, because the comparison is so bad, meaning “look at this again”, and the guy just was like: cool, that makes it all perfectly clear.

As a non-American: in online discussions, even those that are pretty nuanced, I don’t see the majority of Americans being baffled and sickened by the easy access to weapons. I see the impact of guns being downplayed, dismissal of the knowledge of people who want stricter regulations, a lot of tortured analogies with

Thank you. I’m Dutch and I’m not nearly hearing this often enough. Terry Pratchett was right “humanity has a tendency to bend at the knee”. It’s such blatant pagentry and people ar eating it up. Of course, these are the same people who close their eyes when multi nationals weasel out of paying taxes, but go beserk if

You are a moron.

Fertility festival.

No, I’m dying to know but haven’t heard anything about it.