Bring Back BJ

They unironically refer to themselves as the “Best Fans in Baseball.” Which makes them an easy target for the cheap lazy jokes in which I specialize!

“Baseball needs robots to get every strike call EXACTLY CORRECT” —Deadspin

In [gag] defense [retch] of [convulse] Phillies fans [projectile vomit]:

The machines can’t possibly drive any worse than we do.


Somebody call a plumber! The greys are leaking.

Maybe I’m only saying this because the Jays don’t matter right now, but I find this bunch of Yankees very hard to hate. There’s hardly a Machado in the bunch.

Deadspin siding with Dennis fucking Eckersley is just another mystifying editorial position - did they honestly just miss the Stroman thing altogether?

A reckless beaning is worse than trucking a catcher, given the circumstances.

Apparently I read lips better than I read articles!

I think it was “it’s a fucking breaking ball!” Everyone knew a position player losing control of a breaking ball was neither surprising nor dangerous - except, apparently, the home plate umpire.

Megan Rapinoe: [opens Bangkok Yellow Pages]

But the stupid assholes won...?

Donald tried to read this article, but he didn’t make it past “Craft Service”.

Billy Haisley 13, Deadspin readers 0.

+1 reminder that 1993 was a really really long time ago 😢

Instagram, the network, is great.

“Insecure morons”

You’re not wrong!