Everybody Loves Bronzit

Roadkill was amazing indeed before MTOD. I subscribe to MTOD, mainly to be able to watch Top Gear, but I’m about to cancel. It’s just not worth the cost to me anymore. I’ll keep my YouTube car content. 

I take it that you’ve never driven a Type-R or a GS-R? Pure driving bliss.

The last I saw one regularly was in the late 80's, early 90's. It belonged to my friend’s mom. I think it was the X-11 or whatever the “sporty” version was. You’d never know how sporty it actually was because it never ran. 

GM knew their market 

Yah!!! whip crack

Expanding this further, what do we think about cars like the M340i or M550i? I own the former and I don’t consider it a real M car, but it does have performance upgrades such as a LSD and suspension.

But But But! Brand Identity! The Marketing department said it’s the bizness.

I like the styling on my M340i. M5 and M2 look good as well IMO. I agree that it’s only a matter of time before BMW ruins them too.

The scooter is cool, no doubt, but look at that 510! I’ve never noticed it before. 

We’ve replaced a large greenhouse with thick pillars and smaller windows for the sake of safety. I guess that’s one of the reason new cars have multiple nannies now such as blind spot and lane detectors.

This is me. I own an M340i and an E30 and people think I’m crazy when I say how much more I enjoy driving my E30 over the M340i. Sure the E30 is slow as molasses compared to most every modern car, but you feel so much more connected to the car versus the extremely fast isolation chamber that the M340i is.

I just looked down at my Logitech mouse and your take is spot on. I always call Tesla’s computers on wheels or jellybeans. 

I agree. Doesn’t make sense on something as new as an E92.

Good grief. That poor Accord. 

That would by my E30 with the stock M20b25. It’s slow with it’s 168 ponies, but it’s so much more fun to toss around than my M340i which feels like a barge compared.

What?!? I graduated HS in Oregon and put soooooo much work into my senior project. It’s basically what you focused on for an entire semester. There was all the work that went into your research paper, mentor hours and finally the dreaded senior panel which I think was an hour long session.

Ahhh the old dust buster

Yes they are. I miss my 93 Accord EX coupe 5 speed all the time. And I sold it 15 years ago! 

I was seriously considering buying a G70 when the lease up on my 340i. But, I went running back to the ze Germans.

I second this statement from personal experience. I bought my E30 almost 5 years ago and thought it retained it’s factory engine. We soon found out it didn’t when we discovered the LKQ stamp on the block. I’ve had strange cold and hot start issues along with occasional idle issues and random dying. The nail in the