Or in the desert SW where I would get pelted by endless rocks, dust storms and the hotter than the hinges of hell sun.
Or in the desert SW where I would get pelted by endless rocks, dust storms and the hotter than the hinges of hell sun.
Same thing crosses my mind when I’m dailying my E30.
I love my dino burning cars, but I’d jump on a light rail from my house to work if I could.
Isn’t gratuitous photos of thicc sidewall considered pr0n around here?
WRX is immediately what popped into my head as well.
Star for use of the word “blau”
I saw the first F&F opening night and of course had to cop the DVD the day it dropped. I was so exited that night. I grabbed some Taco Bell, popped in the disc and then I got the dreaded phone call. My other half was in a very serious accident. Thankfully unhurt. What a night that was.
I miss the Diamanté. I thought it was a cool name for a car.
Electric 510?!? Stop! I can only get so erect!
This is what I experience when I drive my moms new Sorento. I feel very unsure driving it.
Same thing happened to us yesterday. Our 340i M Sport is in the shop getting the bumper repainted so we needed a rental. Guess what we got? Brand new Murano. While I don’t hate SUVs (CUVs are another story), I absolutely hate driving them.
I lived in Modesto for over 15 years and medical is one of the only fields left. Especially in the depressed valley. I’ve heard rumors of tech companies moving to the valley, but I believe it when I see it.
So when is Hey Dude: The movie coming out?
They cross over a bit to Ahwatukee as well. Mainly Chandler Blvd and Ray Rd.
A licky boom boom!
What the hell does “porking the chops” even mean.
I barely get on Twitter now that I finally signed up for Reddit. I like it much better over there.
He should be back soon from running out to grab a pack of smokes.
Take your star.