Brina The Cat

We really need to ask "Is our children learning?" Because "I know how hard you work to put food on your family." I expect this woman will be a GOP presidential candidate in 2028.

I think she answered the question beautifully. That is why men make more than women

Superman did over 100 mil this weekend, I don't think that they were all white folks. Up until After Earth Will Smith was doing pretty good pulling in an audience and I don't think it was all black folks. If the story is good and the production values are good it doesn't matter too much who is in a film people will go

I thought race hate was something that fell into the "not okay" category. (Some of) These comments are disheartening.

That's Racist!

What I don't get is why everyone is having this freak-out meltdown over the word mutt. Any connotations that they are adding are just that - something THEY'VE added. Taking your post at face value, there are no negative connotations surrounding the word. Rather, you have nothing but praise for mutts! Mutt isn't a

I don't think anyone should use the n-word. It's ugly. Let it die.

Honestly, this is a reason I hate commenting on RACE posts from Jezebel. The term 'mutt' is used so frequently around mostly people of European descent it obviously didn't seem like a big deal for you to use it. My husband's family of Polish,Irish, Romanian 'mutts' as it were, say it all the time. All anyone had to

Heh. I get what's bugging people like you. You want the power to make someone who clearly isn't racist and clearly did not make a racist remark to admit he IS a racist.

You're not awful. I use mutt to describe myself, my father called us that growing up in a loving and playful manner. It makes me warm and fuzzy and loved. It is clear that you are socially adept enough to use the term in public, or with people you know who don't share your values, background, and humor. Brush off

Also, I really don't understand how that leg is supposed to connect to her body? The angle is really weird, like Photoshop of Horrors except it's not a photograph so there's really no excuse.

Sucks that you have endometriosis but I feel comforted that at least one more person in this world has period bowel movement. Seriously, thought I might be the only one.

Uh, most white people view being called racist a "big deal." In fact, most white people whom aren't from a bigoted point of view are not very racist at all. I have more racist non white friends then I do white friends.