
Yeah. Lea Michele annoys the hell out of me, too.

Read some undercover account of where these poor kids come from. Turns out, many of them were born into it. Pedophiles apparently meet and knock each other up with the intention of birthing children they can then rape or pimp out.


“Those who download and possess child pornography create a market that causes more children to be harmed,” U.S. Attorney Eileen M. Decker said in a statement. “Young victims are harmed every time an image is generated, every time it is distributed, and every time it is viewed.”

Do you think alcoholics might be more likely to be abusive? Genuinely wondering, might be a dumb or offensive question but he’s obviously been hitting the bottle hard for years.

so now will everyone stop being so hard on amber?

JDepp be like:

People don’t get sober by ultimatums. And if that was an issue, she must’ve known about it 15 months ago. I hope this lady doesn’t get any of his money. Would be a total shame.

It’s a measure of how much antipathy there is towards Amber Heard that nobody has suggested that maybe she gave him an ultimatum about sobering up. Maybe she couldn’t stand by and watch?

Look, this has obviously been beaten to death, but I can’t help myself...

This is a very special comment you’ve made here and perhaps it can teach you something about yourself.

Everything a self professed world traveler and great thinker like yourself would use to identify a culture is present. I find it perplexing

She can’t swim?