
real talk though, should they really not get to play in the championship? seems a little overboard for something thats just not that big of a deal sure punish them but find something that fits the crime. In sports theres always a punishment no one wants to do.. make them run while saying sorry and snap that!

right, its not that hard to read between the lines.

i grew up playing club volleyball and basketball at anaheim sport complex consider it a weekend home. but really im posting this because if you ever can eat at their food court the breakfast burritos and rice bowls are worth it.

he totally knows the difference between the master sword and travelers. one is super cool the other is not.

If Winter is here than is Pornhub coming now?

bruh just got buckets (of cash)

this, i work in nasty retail and would be fired if i reacted like any of these twitter babys. suck it up its your JOB. i do shit i dont like to do all the time at work hence why its WORK and not something i do for free. if you dont like it go find a new job or be happy with the one your in.

this, they seem to want to be a part of EVERY deal yet end up being in none.

i will be trophy hunting in the order 1886, everyones gone to rapture and titanfall 2.

I really want the Lakers and queens to swap picks. Cant you just imagine the shit show circus. Lavar might actually be able to talk his way into head coach

what sort of idiot cares?

based on that picture they just realized they were counting by the big ten and big xii standards and wanted to correct the issue.

so what would be the ideal names for sports teams?

lol im from and live in dana point and lets say this place always comes through to never dissapoint.same place that charlie sheen went ham destroying cell phones

Now playing

while i agree he draws a lot of “set up” fouls like that one, he also does warrant the foul call most of the time. In my opinion the player that took this and destroyed the league was none other than paul pierce.that dude always would jump into a defender if they left the ground.

so just going to say it but the donkey of kongs suicide grapple was infinitely more frustrating, i could regular 1v3 on n64 until people used that damned monkey. the key would be to just run from him all match until you take out the other two then hope you can force him to actually fight. i use to have fun hustling


just saying but he looks like 70% of the gta players

Humble bundle is having a PS4 package for THC games. at 15$ can get 12 games. THIS IS A DEAL

Humble bundle is having a PS4 package for THC games. at 15$ can get 12 games. THIS IS A DEAL

Dom <3 Todd Graham