I have multiple plastics practices as clients and this is about the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Plastic surgeons fall into 3 categories from my experience. The newer or less talented guys that focus on senior patients and reconstruction. The ultra talented surgeons that produce amazing cosmetic work. And the guys…
Phantasmagoria for PC. I must have been 11 or 12 maybe. End of list
Seriously... the distance to the airliner isn’t even the first thing I noticed. How in the fuck do you mistake a taxiway for a runway and keep your license?!
I love this guy, he’s beloved by all his teammates and former clubs. Just go back and watch how Liverpool fans treated him this year, it was something special. Following him through is career has really been a joy. The guy is one of the most fun and endearing athletes I’ve come across. I got me a dog that looks just…
I haven’t seen a membership contract in a while either. I keep 2 gyms, one smaller one by work and Golds by the house. Neither have contracts anymore.
They are trying to model a little bit more of an Academy style now, which is used almost everywhere else. This really needs to be the focus of truly gifted footballers at your sons age in my opinion. They not only teach them on-the-pitch skills but classroom training in tactics and situational awareness. They train…
Personally I don’t think of myself as a good anything, or a bad anything, or a white anything. I enjoy the differences in people but genuinely never notice someone’s appearance until it’s brought up. I think her point is good white people are those who simply don’t consider race at all when they meet someone, hire…
You’re on the right track. Deads and squats should really have a day between them especially if you’re pushing for gains.