William Rice

If a single piece of food was acquired from outside the car or if anyone peed outside the vehicle, there’s room for improvement. Seems like the pinnacle would be having some of those support people waiting at the pumps to fill your tank asap. Those pit stops COMPLETELY DESTROY YOUR PACE PLEASE JUST GET BACK IN THE CAR

I’ve kept my eye on first gen R8's for a while now (V8 manual, of course) and while they are depreciated now to the point where they are attainable, and have had their leaky electro-magnetic suspension replaced with more reliable units by their previous owners, I still can’t talk myself into getting one because of

I’m not trying to cast it as a cult classic, but one of the first things I watched on there (after The World According to Jeff Goldblum and The Imagineering Story) was Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I was not disappointed by that decision at all.

5 years later

Other than as a way for rental car companies to charge you more, do we really need four size categories of cars?  Small, medium, and large should be plenty, and if you can figure out a way to sell medium cheaply, you don’t even need small.

US consumers: haven’t had a meaningful raise in decades.

No GM asked for the workers to get less for doing the same job. And they knew that would cause a strike. So only those with an agenda would see that as the unions fault.  Blaming unions for management's actions is wrong.  

I just realized this seeing Strasburg next to it, but the C8 has a REALLY high beltline. I’m wondering how visibility will be, looking out of the sides of the car.

One time I parked my Ducati in a Walmart lot and got complimented on it by a guy who drove a Bentley there.

GM very unfairly gets a bad reputation for quality, in my opinion.

I stopped buying GM vehicles when they laid off my inlaws, some friends, and forced my dad into early retirement.

I didn’t realize that around $67,000 per year before overtime was considered “low wages.” Not that I mind line workers being paid that much, but c’mon; get your complaints straight. Laying off workers to $0 is a problem. Low wages for those who are working isn’t.

I feel bad for looking at this embarrassment of riches and saying “What about?” But no, no Condorman and no Island at the Top of the World.

I’m gonna do the same with Return to Oz. I hope it’s just as bonkers like thirty years or whatever later.

And the UI is the worst. its damn near impossible to find anything

We’re never going to see anything other than the special editions while Lucas is alive. 

I’m going to watch Flight of the Navigator first and see if that holds up. I think I was about 11 when I saw it last.

There, I fixed it for you

Back to back. In fact, recreate the Disney Afternoon lineup and watch that.