Completely agree with everything said here in regards to online dating for men vs women.
Completely agree with everything said here in regards to online dating for men vs women.
Does this affect the infamous pre-paid $30 plans?
I don't want to put words into your mouth so please correct me if I have this wrong.
I did read your comment. I agree that gossip sucks and I don't like it either. But your attitude reads like this:
You sound like a terrible person. Obviously nobody can "make" you pay anything or make you care or listen to anything they say. With your attitude, why are you even in said situations (hanging out with people, eating meals with others)?
Oh that makes sense. You were saying your practice was contrary to the standard Aeropress Inverted Method. But is that true though? I thought you were supposed to use a medium grind for Aeropress, not fine ...
Why do you say "though"?
There are different grinds for different applications. It worries me that you think you somehow outsmarted the coffee by using fine grinds for all applications.
Would love to know this also.
I am new to Arduino too and would like to get my feet wet, but I am curious why you care about specs? I mean I do too if I was comparing the Xbox 360 to the Xbox One. What is the comparison you are making here? My understanding is Arduino/Raspberry Pi/DIY Boards are pretty low powered because they are meant to do…
My understanding is doctors have the option of accepting these plans the same way they have the option of accepting any other plan. There is no law that forces them to accept it but many will since a majority (I heard an estimate ~60%) of their patients will be on these plans.
Not sure if you are understanding how deals work.
Nooooo! I waited too long and now it's sold out!
Small point of clarification - Cree produces the LED's. They are not a flashlight manufacturer. You are right, they make great LED's but it's up to the flashlight company to make good use of it. Just like saying "I bought an Intel computer"
Total space, not necessarily usable (in case of RAID):
Thanks a bunch MyDogSkip
Is the standard 840 SSD pretty good though?
Does anyone know if the Samsung 840 SSD is really SATA I and not II or III?
Just got a Synology DS1512+ which is a 5 bay. Love it.
Just excited I can send money with the app now using Google Wallet. Currently, I have to wait til I get to the desktop (Gmail) or I have to use Google Wallet through the website ( I would love being able to send using a native app. My gf and I use Wallet to pay each other for things.