I tried for about half an hour to do this yesterday, on both PC (with win python) and Mac and was unable to. Really disappointed. I know it's my fault I couldn't figure it out but still ...
I tried for about half an hour to do this yesterday, on both PC (with win python) and Mac and was unable to. Really disappointed. I know it's my fault I couldn't figure it out but still ...
I admire runners. All my friends run. I bike. I'm ok at it. I'm terrible at running. It's tiring, it's boring (to me), it's painful. I love the idea of being a runner but I can't seem to get myself to enjoy it. I dread getting invited to sign up for races. I don't want to get up at 545 in the morning to go for a 4…
Wow great response! Thanks Ryan.
How did you learn the skills to remove, repair, and install appliances? Did you just pick it up somewhere or did you go take some handyman class? I am curious because I can't imagine it's super difficult but it's also not a skill like hanging a picture frame or installing drywall that a normal person just "picks up"…
You're the only one that naive. Or nice?
You describe their gift so dismissively. Land's End is not cheap. I just looked up one of their tote bags and a blanket. That's a ~$150+ gift, sans the wine. Yes, that's really cheap since it was 2 adults and 3 children but like you said , they had to travel.
Invite me to your $100 / plate wedding. I am building your basket right now. I'm thinking a "Smores Package" - graham crackers, marshmallows, chocolate, twigs, and a tea candle.
Totally agree with this point!
There's no debate that the brides were really rude, but this is a classic case of a cheapskate jerk who knew what he was doing was wrong and uses his passive-aggressive behavior to try to win the day. I don't even like weddings and I admit they are expensive as heck to put on. Many of my friends got married recently…
What you can't see is the Nexus 4 is sitting on a "wireless" charger which is a circle/puck. That's what's centered in the circle.
You honestly thought you did nothing wrong here?
Thanks for posting this. This looks super helpful especially if you are using things like maven or JAVA apps, which rely heavily on environmental / PATH settings. Also, what an amazing last name - Ravenscraft. Are you kidding me? I could imagine your family used to be named Johnson then one day, after "the war" (pick…
You're right. My mistake for not reading thoroughly.
Just so there isn't confusion, if you made $50k a year instead of $35k a year, you would not get $1250 more each month. Unless you are talking about net terms (which is rarely the case in salary discussions).
I am pretty sure I heard of a service that lets you print from your Facebook albums. We all know the API's exist since many many services can read/write to your FB albums already.
He was referring to people who actually care about and home brew coffee. Not people who use Kuerigs.
Well that was interesting and kind of depressing. I have temperature-settable kettles at home and work. The work model I have can go +/- 1 degree. I was always excited to be able to get 200F or 198F water but now it seems like you can just boil water and pour it straight into coffee almost right away (since it loses…
Wow I had no idea these existed. This is perfect for traveling. Thanks a bunch.
If you actually think bitcoin mining is akin to putting ads on someone's system, then we'll have to agree to disagree.
This is not like Adware. This has a direct effect on the victim's hardware/electricity usage.