Brian the Cheeseman

Shit, I guess I didn't know AARP

Oh yeah…..that part too

If you don't like camping, we can't be friends

Those shadows can be a real bitch.

Dragging a lengthy legal process into the light and giving people the ability to nitpick every tiny detail and (potentially) destroy anyones lives with even the most tenuous connection to the case?

Welp……I'm officially old now. I don't understand Internetting

Mr. Clean is actually just the combination of a light bulb and a fish.

Very minstrel show look to it

Because drinks at Vegas can be ridiculously expensive, so it's kinda a kill 2 birds situation.

Horror films are dirt cheap to film and generally bring in a steady profit, so getting funding for them never seems to be an issue.

My take, and considering how he speaks of the tea being bitter, is that they weren't smuggling tea in that allusion but the thing that was added into the tea.

Private snoop

Well……you know what you have to do now.

It's a rather reinforced social anxiety. I forget what journal I read it in, but it's society idea that leisure activities for pleasure shouldn't be done alone. Eating at a restaurant table alone for example, instead of a counter of a diner (which appears more utilitarian)

The worst part is you know how much Del Toro tried to get movie of the ground and how much he loved the original

Can't get any worse than Barry Sandering Connery into retirement

I basically just see movies in theatres solo now, and due to crippling shame of being seen at a theatre alone, almost always go to the late showings.
Which means I'll be packing in a pint of bourbon when I see this late Friday or Saturday night

Pretty sure 8 year old me acted out that movie scene for scene


So……the key to defeat Aquaman by any super villain is to make all of your evils plans in Nebraska.