
These rules even apply to my shit-box Subaru. DO NOT be a dick is the main rule I guess... Oh, and if I'm driving your drunk ass home, and I'm not talking to you because you're being a douchewaffle, trying to hang out of the sunroof and other douchewafflery.... Expect it to be the last time.


Woodstock is the final destination. I've only been as far as Montreal, west.

Awesome! This is perfect timing! My epic road trip starts tomorrow. Oppo post, below.

I was talking about Sat-Rad.

But you listen to those same 6-7 songs at the same time the next day :P Unless it's improved.

I couldn't figure out how to edit my post into two seperate posts. This was GMs response, as posted by Mr Rhoads on pugetsoundradio. My OTHER comment contains my piece that I wrote as a broadcaster.

I wrote a piece responding to this for my radio friends, as I'm a broadcaster.

Thankfully the Citroen brake doesn't function like the new electric parking brakes would if they worked while driving.

I love this.

I can haz?!?!?!

No, but you can be a blogger. Idiot.

Where's the expectation? These costumes are produced because there is a demand for them. I'm not sure why there's the "expectation" that women need to be "Sexy" on the holiday's... There's a choice involved here, and if women weren't choosing to purchase these, then the market wouldn't exist.

Hence why you're the graphic designer cousin. There's no rotary in this car...

Oh SWEET. A slut-shaming article on Jezebel. NEVER see this. /sarcasm

My dad had a helicopter that was on a metal coiled tether connected to a crank... I had this toy passed on to me. This is just a rehash, except with a safety hull around the blades, hahaha.

I'm not sure what's with all the hate. It's a modern facelift of the current trucks with LED headlights and stronger grills. I like.

$50 for a good tie is cheap, man!

Sorry Billy Blanks, we can't all be as hardcore as you.