
@drewthat: I was given a Rio5 as a rental. Holy crap, on the highway I had to take a RUN to get to 140km in order to get around a transport, otherwise if I attempted to go just 110 or so I would have barely passed the truck and would have no ability to accelerate or brake if needed due to oncoming traffic.

I'm a Canuck and this vehicle does not represent the views of the general population. Actually I'm not sure sure WHO's view it represents. If you want a trike, buy this one. It's fast, fun and doesn't handle like hillbilly waterskiing contraption. []

@Ryanrule: Well as you can tell, there seems to be perpetual scamming among many companies in the industry, not JUST Mazda, so to brand the corporations as scam-artists is unfair. I mean, they all scam in their OWN way, but at the dealer level, as long as the company steps up to right wrongs then I am happy. Take the

@Mazda_Canada: I approved and promoted as I am a former employee of Mazda and also share the view that the focus should be placed on those involved and not the company as a whole

Well, I can see how using a wordplay could cause some confusion, but lets be honest here... I'd let her pump my grease nipples and swap fluids after a one on one chamois any day of the week.

Personal Issues = He was caught driving this car and now they want to make sure he is "caught dead" driving it as they plan on casting it in Granite and helping him swim with the fishies

That's child's play... My driveway is worse

I really enjoy posts like this, extremely interesting and a great comparison. Thanks Jalop

@Lotte: This is the funniest thing I have ever seen.

When I was first starting to learn to drive stick, a burnout was the only way I knew to get moving... I had no teacher, just the salesman that I assured I had driven stick before. Cobalt SS Supercharged's spin and spin and spin by the way.

*cue music* Nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh Nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh Clunk-clunk-cough-wheeze-knock. BATMAN

The infogram uses poor phrasing. The firey one should be labeled "kill it with fire"

Currently I'm hoping to replace my 2005 Civic with a Mk3 Jetta. (I know, but it's strictly based on cost, I'm still paying for the Civic and they want me to pay out the ass for insurance). I can't remember if it was a Mk2 or Mk3 that I witnessed roll over 1 000 000 km, (I was working at a park and it was a hippie