
Easy! They just put it on a stand!

This is what blows me away. I’ve never seen this much crowd support for a monopoly in my life. You can’t expect Epic to have the same games as Steam and compete with them. And this is a TIMED exclusive. And a short one. Good Christ. 

I certainly haven’t played it since Div 2 released. I liked Anthem but... [shrugs]... lots of problems there man. And, my god... trying to get through the story quests... the load times... the running around “town” which, let me tell you, wasn’t fun... Anthem felt like a chore most times. I felt like I spent 10mins in

I got this game with my PS4 the day it came out.

That’s a lot of words you typed to say that they’re spineless. Can’t possibly alienate the lobbying arm of a foreign apartheid regime by.... standing by the principles and members of the party they lead.

It’s like if 2002 Maddox stripped away any semblance of irony and 2005 Simmons maxed out the Sports Bro persona to run a sports blog together in 2019.

You guys, I just need to get this out.

I think I’d be fine with them just updating Unreal Championship and selling it for cheap on Live.

I think it’s a little ridiculous to knock Overwatch’s diversity. They have really gone out of their way to include a broad spectrum of cultures, and they continue to produce heroes that were obviously designed with inclusivity in mind. They even made the game’s mascot (Tracer) a lesbian, backing up the statement that

Steve! You even look like him!

The costume from last year was so great I wore it again. Eartha Kitt, FTW!

I won’t be happy until this guy is behind uneven bars

I’m sure there’s enough of us to make this one of the most-viewed articles on Deadspin today

Imagine if more of them were literate!

Laura, you’re like, really going all-in on being the centrepiece of the next Dead Letters eh? Trump, Bills fans and Portnoy in one week? Yikes.

Instead flagging the “brother” detail being in dispute, how about just delete all references to it. This woman should not have to confirm or deny whether she did or did not date anyone.

Bell deserves a longer term contact. He’s amazing.

Bautista may be acting a little over-exuberant with these statements but I admire the man for sticking to his Gunn.
