
She was strange. Incredibly nice to me but horribly rude to her companion in front of me. It was like she was showing off how mean she could be. A horrible bully. You & RuPaul are correct. I was so happy to have met her but then confused because she was cruel. Best not to meet idols. It was a long time ago so maybe

I do believe it is Kara Brown who abusing “woke” with her “woke baes.”

Who owns waltzing? Who owns rice?

I have met Madge and she is not the nicest!

Two, though most would argue only one - I still count the MTV Unplugged album as highly underrated. And, yes, it was a very good album even to this day.

I hate what she’s become, but she built up enough goodwill with me that my initial reaction on meeting her would be much closer to Nicki’s than anything else.

I read the first part of the headline and fully expected it to say: “Drag Race Winner Alaska Accuses Donald Trump of...”

Exactly, anyone with half a brain is not surprised by any of this.

ha how is one a “bad sexer”? just fanagle the sproket, twist that whowhatsit, and quickly fiddle-faddle your way to o-town. simple.

You don’t need an exception for refugees. If you’re processed as a refugee, they know at that time about your missing birth certificate and give you substitute documentation to make up for that fact. That is literally what every other modern country does when they process refugees. It’s also what happens to anyone who

When keeping it real...goes wrong.