
Hardly. He's only 26. His situation isn't all that rare these days. If anything he looked like a nice enough guy who hasn't had the best luck and he agreed to do something crazy that he didn't fully comprehend.

"Nathan For Me"

oh you really don't know your shit. read the AV club interview he did with a mom

errr… He's been saying that he spent months and months training physically for the finale.

that's what i was thinking too, they spent soooo much more on the stunt. Most "awareness" campaigns are exactly that though, just people raising money to raise money

yeah i have to imagine being in front of that crowd though you go on auto pilot and just read what's there, too much to process. But i surely hoped he'd notice it

well he was in the box.. in the room

I'm surprised no one else has brought up the possibility that the whole shtick is that it's a modern "true crime" show, so of course aliens are thrown into it, they're in every history show nowadays

if you love laughing you should watch the show

done right it's great. Nathan and Review are the kings of cringe

jeez, i just watched that ep again this week and i haven't watched curb in months

extra long Nathan's, extra long Fargo's. What a world

I found out my mom actually watched it live for the first time. Only took 3 years of stopping by their house to make them watch episodes

yeah the farts were funny, but her dedication to apologizing and just going along with it even when Nathan chastises her combined with the guy cracking up, i couldn't stop for a minute after the scene ended

holy shit that's fantastic

Do we think Nathan stayed in character when they went for the final day of fun?

How tough is it to go from driving racing style cars to doing stuff like that in normal cars though?

Yeah I can't agree in the slightest. This season has been so high level and different. There's only one episode that wasn't an immediate love affair for me and that was Smoker's allowed. But after a second watch it's got so much great stuff

Me neither

And the fact that it was just so stereotypical made it work even better for me. His character wouldn't be coming up with his own, he'd be Michael Scott and just going with the obvious