
Nathan's character is usually the one humiliated and looks like a moron. Not the people

The greatest thing I've ever read. When people I watch the show with don't like it, I try to explain all of this to them. That Nathan isn't really him, that the joke is almost always on him instead of the people involved, that you're supposed to feel uncomfortable. So jealous of Bonney

Same exact reaction. We just watched him execute two people, but somehow her death his me really hard. I didn't expect him to hit her so quickly and easily or for her to just fall like that plus the blood spatter.

"feels" is a fucking awful word and it absolutely destroys any good conversation in an instant. Anyone who uses it immediately sounds like a child who can't think for themself and just repeats what they hear

"One could maybe argue that Chanel Oberlin is being mocked too, for being so delusional and seeing herself as bigger than she is, but that’s only briefly part of the joke. "

Have you watched Review? Cause that's non stop laughs, and Nathan for you comes back soon with even more hilarity. But I totally agree, this is hilarious and is never dull and always adds something to it

yeah i mean it's ridiculous, but completely aware that it is and has fun with itself, clearly everyone involved had a blast with it and it's got laughs and surprises and twists and an awesome soundtrack. For what it is it's perfect

Yeah I don't know what the hell people are expecting… I thought the first ep was hilarious and fun and it hasn't gotten slower at all. The Matthew impression was damn funny, Chad is a riot and the crazy chick he's with was great. The feminism scene wasn't exactly supposed to be serious.

"Review’s camera work is always nimble, as self-aware as Forrest is self-deluding. In this scene, it’s intentionally, delicately intrusive, floating as it slowly brings Grant into frame. "

Him in safety gear at all times

They didn't renew Big Time in Hollywood Fl and that was damn near a perfect season. They better not fuck this up too

I felt that the past two seasons, sucks cause you can't ever go back. Except the rafi Randy ones, and I actually thought last week was a little better cause it just went full on absurd. This one was awful

They were probably clean when they brought them out but then a few snuck over to the weights and assembly lined them into weapons

I can't wait!

He's dead Forrest, we stabbed him in the heart

No one discussing the fact that both FBI agents were fine with shooting an unarmed man who was only a suspect? When he asked her why she didn't shoot, that fact didn't come up somehow.

Do you enjoy the rafi/Randy eps? Cause I agree with you and I find people are split in the eps they like

Same here, so distracted wondering how he still hadn't shown up

favorite ep in a long time

I don't think the core has changed, but imo that's the issue. How do you compare it with Always Sunny? Similar or prefer one more? For me, Sunny is the perfect example of keeping what works but continually pushing and trying new things each season. And of course this is why I still really enjoy the rafi/randy