

They're in Burning Love together

If you haven't watched Burning Love yet…. you're in so much luck. Everyone is in it and MIB has a huge part

That was just so damn well done it was creepy as all hell

don't watch Lost it's a waste of your time

It was completely realistic though

oh no, she definitely knew the whole time. But i also think she probably really does have anna in a box

favorite line of the series i think

Blanche finding out her sister was dead was amazing, only topped by idiot sister knowing it was her the whole time and then liking the dress

you've seen Buring Love right? she never wears pants

It's definitely a show that goes great with being really really stoned yes

dessert. you want more of it

abortion AND ravaging jokes

That's exactly what I expected and exactly my reaction

I was so into it, even ignoring the dumbness of the bomb being in a music box for no reason. I was entranced cause I actually thought they were gonna kill the kid off. But the fucking bomb being that small, just blowing a convenient hole in the box and them both living… awful

those were on tv

Ooooook I see where I fucked up. Betsy Sodaro is who is in Big Time and who I thought was playing Hortense at first. I can't believe that was Artemis from Sunny and I still managed to be confused

I hope Ken Marino shows up and trips over something

It's the funniest show of the year. Must watch in order, it grows so much and the culmination is amazing. I literally had no complaints about the entire thing