
But at the same time I don't think he does it to hurt him he just thinks teasing is what you're supposed to do. Plus he has to have seen the first season at this point he probably likes the "character"made in the editing room

Then him popping out from behind the grave stone

He also gets killed by guns in The Strangers and Crank 2

ohhh wow that was him. yeah that spr scene is probably still the most jarring i've ever seen

He's being forced to work for her, he's forced to do whatever she says. If that's not rape, what is?

When he got to 3 I guessed it would total at 6 then he started the 7th but didn't get it all out. I felt successful

It made sense though. Garrett seemingly becoming practically unstoppable, going through all of that torture, then he rises. then boom, nope totally dead

It's actually really good? Shocking, guess i'll try it

Agreed. I absolutely loved this one

Watch Burning Love - web series that has 3 seasons already and it's got some of the same people and in general is a lot of the same alt comedy

I thought she played it perfectly. Favorite ep in a while, now I want to hear her on the podcast