
The screen shots are pretty, but just how long has this game been in production? I could swear I first heard of this years ago...

Um, you could always turn off your cell. Select the Options Menu and then Sleep Mode.

Teen Wolf was interesting, but I had one issue. SPOILERS,

But they love space travel. It'll become the new white flight.

Did it ever occur to anyone that being childish was maybe the whole point? For fifty years, western Superhero comics were aimed at kids, they were originally designed for kids. When kids raised on Disney movies grew up, did they expect the Disney movies to grow up too?

There are likely no Big Daddies or Little Sisters and there is definitely no Rapture (It takes place at least ΒΌ of a century before Rapture is bult).

Christopher Nolan's the Pope? I guess that makes me a Lutheran.

Too many characters, for one thing. In addition to Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine apparently reprising their roles, we have Catwoman, Bane and maybe Ra's al Ghul. Also, Scarecrow's still alive so I'm betting he'll be back for at least a cameo.

Is it just me, or is the the Dark Knight Rises starting to sound more and more like Batman and Robin?

Vamplosion is right. Only Male Shep got to bang Miranda Lawson.

So the Quarians are Jawas? Turians could be Mandalorians maybe?

Six whole blocks burnt down and only 17 people dead? That doesn't sound so bad.

Apparently he was motivated to help, or at least try, according to the other Brian here.

She she was destined to be crippled? Wonder how the reboot gonna handle that?

What's with all the Batman comics?

Ok, my (attempted) joke just might be getting out of hand here, so I just want to be clear on one thing.

Also casting a spell from horseback, and using a weapon on horseback, and horses kicking from behind, maybe even trampling over people and small monsters

Oh. Well, I'm sure Barbara understands then. Seriously, this is fucked reasoning. She knows Batman, he knows Booster Gold, Booster Gold travels through time. Pull some strings for your friend, Bruce. For Dog's sake...

Well, that was convenient, for Bruce at least. Thanks, both you and Capnrob.

Only lightly related to TDKR, but can anyone tell me why, during the Knightfall saga, Bruce Wayne recovered from being crippled but Oracle didn't?