
@asaturn: Maybe we can't, but if a GSV can safely hide within the surface of a star, I'm sure they can travel to the core and back.

Forget the sunlight crap, the biggest problem is that the team has too many vampires.

Dynamite, placed between teeth, really?

@Brianfowler713: Sorry, meant to say, "we should assume the planet doesn't exist... I need to work on proofreading, obviously.

So if we should assume the planet doesn't so that if it does then great, but if not, we won't get let down?

@boylegd: Fifth Element is like a puff pastry full of whipped cream; pretty and tasty, just not that filling.

Now playing

@HelenofPeel: So Supes was made into a creepy, naval gazing stalker; that's not Jason(the kid)'s fault...

@Andy Neil: But Superman isn't the father, he just the sperm donor.

@Harrison_Bergeron: What do boys and girls in New York, Kabul and Caracas have in common?

@Graviton1066: If you have something better, feel free to share.

21. DO have a more cosmopolitan Metropolis.

I had a long post planned about all the things I hated about Superman Returns, but to keep it short (for me), I'll just mention the one thing I didn't: the superkid (he was old enough to learn how to play the piano, I think we can stop calling him a baby).

@m_faustus: Looks like the tower for the Ministry of Love. Or is that just moi?

@SG-17: It seems more and more to me that 1984's message has been twisted and corrupted by the same people that would have been Big Brother.

@ziffelbat: If he can bring it home, then great, but I've been done since Path of Daggers (I still read Winter's Heart to see if it would change my mind, it didn't.).

@ziffelbat: Here's the thing. I would imagine, upon learning midway into my magnum opus, that my days are shortly numbered, trying to wrap it up as quickly as possible. Robert Jordan seemed to drag it out (not unlike my response) instead.