
So do the Spider-Men cross dimensions? Does Noir Spidey have to tussle with Hobgoblin 2009 or Amazing Spidey have to hide in the shadows now and then?

When I had my wisdom teeth removed, one of them had to be broken first and the root removed.

I'm sure the Vamp Diaries is great, but I'll decide what my guilty pleasures are.

@mdjab82001: I third this motion. I can't see how her original (and best) costume is any sillier than henchmen with clown makeup (which I love.)

@Archaotic: " If he'd just made it into a "Zelda in a big metal-inspired world" type of game, it probably would've done a lot better than it did."

Has he tried getting in touch with Luc Besson?

Why does Velma look so skinny? She isn't supposed to be skinny dammit!

Did anyone else initially misread Clark Baker as Clive Barker?

Bad Horse? Why not Dark Horse?

@antonchigurh: Talking about the halftime show of the 2004 Superbowl, where Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson gave a bit of a show, and the fallout afterwords.

How long must we pay for Jackson and Timberlake's actions?How long dammit!

I never even heard of the word "palimpsest" before io9 reviewd a book with it for a title. Now I see someone use it in a sentence? whoah.

@Gaambit: I think the movie rights were picked up before it even started.

@Evdor: But the other guy is just curious, right?

Now playing

Doesn't anyone else remember this crossover?

Superman and Batman working together was expected; Superman and Lobo together, now that was crazy.

@Hamslicer: I'd prefer it if they forcused on Hydra rather than Nazis.

@Hello Mister Walrus: No, just a cannibalistic carnival freak. You know, the best kind of carnival freak there was.