Idiots. Serves them right.
Idiots. Serves them right.
@Reini Grauer: They would have if it was for some shitbox Honda, or some European clap-trap.
@orlo: Run along troll.
@DavinClytias: For that matter, why did they do away with Win 98.. or 95!
@f86sabre: I don't have any. He packed up and moved south somewhere a few years ago.
I haven't bothered looking below at the comments, but judging by the strong Obama support that often pops up on this site (as well as every other gawker site) this isn't going to end well.
So this is a version of car nuts for the extremely wealthy?
@tintern: Eh, he turned out to be a flaky douche with too much money he got from his mother's insurance policy.
Completely not impressed. Next.
I just shake my head when I see these brain dead kids walking around with his ugly face on their shirts, they have no idea who he is, except for the fact that Jay-Z rapped about him.
@f86sabre: That car was built here in Ohio by a nutcase who also street drove a outlaw sprint car.
@creamed_corn: Yeah, cause glorified kit cars are way cooler and you're totally not a fanboi for the SSC side either..
@vieventar: I don't think it will come in the form of the Veyron, if I recall, wasn't the latest model the last of the line? Could they have a new car up their sleeve?
@vieventar: Doesn't really matter. The Veyron is still the superior car. This car may end up being slightly faster, but it will never be as solid, as brutal, as luxurious as the Veyron is, which is something I think it will be a long time before anyone comes close to matching.
Still not half the car the Veyron is.
I'll think about it when there is a suitable Linux equivalent to Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver and a few other apps. Until then, it's neat to tinker with, but when it's time to actually get productive, back to Windows.
Damn, he survived..
@angusparvo2: I agree, they may have had a turbo, but they were still garbage and slow.
@RepoManChitown: yeah, look how poorly they do in the LS9... Oh wait..
I'm moving into a new apartment next month. These are giving me some great ideas.