
@BMRFILE: Wow... Hell while you're at it, why don't you just triple the cost, you know, to punish us silly Americans for enjoying our personal liberties that we have sacrificed for over the centuries, after all, we need to pay our fair share, cause the world is all about being fair.. Is it always sunny in this fantasy

@Kuro: Republicans double it, he's quadrupled it... in 18 months.

@zeeboid: And they wonder why MSNBC has about 10 viewers...

@HoyaCarLover: Your argument would be true but it misses on item. The liberals such as that piece of crap snake oil salesmen Gore and his ilk all want YOU to conserve, and YOU to sacrifice. They on the other hand will continue living like gluttons.

@thepeopleselbow: Doesn't help that most liberal women look like this.

@Kuro: The debt part belongs to the man in the photo above as he has set the record.

@HoyaCarLover: I got the politics out of it because that is EXACTLY what the left wants to do. They want to FORCE us into having no other option but to drive small gas sipping death traps.

@Royal Flush: My point was, Islam is a terror religion, it has nothing to do with peace, love and all that nonsense. Look at the insult they want to put up in New York (good luck since nothing gets built in NYC without Union labor and many of them have pledged to not step foot on the site).

@Royal Flush: You forgot the part where muslims also cut off their wifes noses for upsetting them.

@Romeo Vanegas: My V8 truck, and 6 cylinder lifted Jeep didn't get parked either. These global warming hoaxers and greenie tree huggers can kiss my ass.

@Shadowguitar: Nevermind. I'm not getting banned over some liberal.

@Shadowguitar: I'm not saying they NEED a SUV. I am saying they WANT a SUV and have the right to drive them.

@jdepould: Good for you, but I doubt those of us used to driving small block or big blocks will get excited about driving high winding 4 cylinders. It's all personal preference.

@Romeo Vanegas: Didn't bother me. Actually liked it as I could gas up and get out faster as fewer people were filling up.

@Royal Flush: Kidding? He's been in office 18 months, and he has approval ratings that are already closing in on Bush's worst ratings during his 8 years.

@songs: Good, maybe they will take him back after his single term? I doubt it though as they probably won't be looking to hire anyone due to their raised taxes and health care taxes.

@HoyaCarLover: Same reason I don't understand why anyone would drive a gutless 4 cylinder with no torque, people each have their own tastes. If you let them start taking away SUV's, then next it will be muscle cars (they are already trying as it is on that one), and before you know it, we're all driving POS Prius' or

@HoyaCarLover: Cause last I checked this is the USA and we can drive what we want, the Left hasn't taken THAT right away from us.. yet.

@Hello_Newman: No, he's provided many other reasons for that.