
@jip1080: Exactly, this only proves how far Nissan will go to try to convince people that car is a 'super car'.

Maybe it realized how much fail that car is and committed suicide?

What a lame site.

@TRAMS_AM: The LS4 has a shorter crank snout and more compact accessories.

@heretrix: Then you haven't been around a quality and properly setup home theater if the 5500's impress you that much. They are OK, but horribly overpriced and no where competition for a real system. I lusted them too myself until I actually listened to them. No thanks.

@heretrix: Meh, they suck when compared to even a half decent bookshelf pair and a half decent receiver.

Any Honda with a wing = ricer, if your car makes 150hp, you'll never go fast enough to need one anyways.

@Rock517: Good point. I liked the R32's. But this thing is a turd in the styling department, performance aside.

@Rock517: Maybe a percentage, but they are far from being built so weak as to void the warranty by disarming traction control. .

@Cedric Farmer: They were supercars from THAT era, this is 2010, and the GT-R IMHO doesn't qualify as a supercar, yeah it's somewhat quick but it's far from supercar level.

@Rock517: Yeah, like you know driving it like a supposed super car is supposed to be driven. The GT-R is a joke, it's reliability alone should be enough to disqualify it from any serious supercar comparison.

Oh, the GT-R.. Zzzzzzzzzz

@Ash (Chad) Sieteocho: They remarked it was horrible to throw around the track at low speeds due to the lack of downforce.

Tony is a VERY nice guy and good to his fans. I live about 5 minutes from Eldora Speedway which he owns, and have met him several times. A great guy.

Cue torrent in 3...2....1...

This shit bothers me and makes me question how a piece of shit like that can become a father, and some can't. I lost my daughter when she was 8 days old, and I can say with every fiber in me, that NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING would ever keep me from doing what I could to raise her, be there for her, and take care of my

@AboveTheLaw: Till she dumped his worthless ass.

@Crash Bandihoon: It's not ignorance. To me a WRX is slow. Sorry, if you can't afford better, then sure the WRX is a deal, but I can, and to me the WRX isn't my thing. It's cheap feeling interior, styling and performance (stock), makes me yawn.

@Jim-Bob- Living in Project House Hell: So the best they could do was a 3 star rating? I'm not saying they didn't make improvements, but c'mon. So their products rank among vehicles from several decades ago over here. I don't even want to fathom how crappy the fit and finish and not to mention reliability of these

@Jim-Bob- Living in Project House Hell: I have no issue driving older cars etc. I'm not a safety troll either. But, these Chinese cars are worse as far as crash safeness compared to even cars from the 60's and 70's. I'm 34 with no kids, so I know what you mean, but then again I had an air bag save my life, so I leave