
@bdon: I have no response to his.... wow.

I love me some Tony Stewart. Then again I live like 5 minutes from his track. :)

The supercharger pulley on my blown Riviera.

Call me crazy, but I like that nose.

When I was 17 I was doing a nice big one wheel peel smokey burnout, when the tired 305 in my nova let go, after the smoke settled, there were 5 pistons in the pan.... and the street. $50 later, it was back on the road. :)

I would have to say just about any pre-4th Gen F Body.

@jip1080: Right on. Sad that my miniature starter makes more torque than most honda engines.

@jip1080: If you're going to defend imports, save your time.

@verucht: And it's still faster than most imports.

Been using this app for a while. I love it.

I'd rather have my Jeep.

I said it before and I will say it again

@RandomArt: I was talking about your failed attempt at a zing. You're making circle track jokes about F1 cars.... You failed, not them.

The price is crack pipe, the cars not bad. Not quite as much hate in the comments so far as I expected.

@Movado: Run along troll. Don't be mad your shitty import can't muster enough power to break any parts.

@Jrsy Devil's Advocate®: Cause you got lucky. But, please keep trying it. Just make sure to video tape each time. Always good to see people who are clueless mess up their belongings.

@Jim-Bob: Oh look, another BMW snob.