@bdon: I have no response to his.... wow.
@bdon: I have no response to his.... wow.
I love me some Tony Stewart. Then again I live like 5 minutes from his track. :)
The supercharger pulley on my blown Riviera.
Call me crazy, but I like that nose.
@FadedSpark — I Dream of birdie: Sup, see someone can vouch I leave [H] now and then.
When I was 17 I was doing a nice big one wheel peel smokey burnout, when the tired 305 in my nova let go, after the smoke settled, there were 5 pistons in the pan.... and the street. $50 later, it was back on the road. :)
I would have to say just about any pre-4th Gen F Body.
@jip1080: Right on. Sad that my miniature starter makes more torque than most honda engines.
@jip1080: If you're going to defend imports, save your time.
@brandegee: Well played good sir.
@verucht: And it's still faster than most imports.
Been using this app for a while. I love it.
I'd rather have my Jeep.
I said it before and I will say it again
@RandomArt: I was talking about your failed attempt at a zing. You're making circle track jokes about F1 cars.... You failed, not them.
@RandomArt: Fail.
The price is crack pipe, the cars not bad. Not quite as much hate in the comments so far as I expected.
@Movado: Run along troll. Don't be mad your shitty import can't muster enough power to break any parts.
@Jrsy Devil's Advocate®: Cause you got lucky. But, please keep trying it. Just make sure to video tape each time. Always good to see people who are clueless mess up their belongings.
@Jim-Bob: Oh look, another BMW snob.