@instant_karma: better yet, a race between this and the civic with the Vette suspension and drivetrain.
@instant_karma: better yet, a race between this and the civic with the Vette suspension and drivetrain.
@ishigakisensei: The Ford V10 can't begin to hope to be as smooth and make as much power as the Viper V10 does. The ford V10 is a clunky truck engine.
@f3rg: I see what you did there. Nice.
@FrankGrimes: Your jealousy owns you. If it's so easy, go do it yourself or stop talking smack.
Let them try to turn it into the next Napster, and it will fail just the same.
@Black-Cat: [www.honda.com] now run along troll.
@slackinfux: Yeah, sacrificing performance for sound. I bet you watch F&F Tokyo Drift over and over with the sound cranked.
People still play boxing games ince UFC dropped?
@Taco Mudplushroomz: NOTHING, has more hoses than a POS smog Honda. They aren't complicated to work on at all, well unless you aren't that good of a wrench.
I'm there for a new series!
@fuchikoma: I bet you think Nascar tech is cutting edge and impressive, don't you?
Any of the old POS hondas with 5,342,223,426 vacuum lines.
@nytmare: Kinda sad since the cable has nothing to do with the speed being off and everything to do with the driven gear in the trans....
@79TA: I'll chime in since I have done over 50 of them, probably many more than that. These guys are idiots, and typical rednecks.
@Vitric: Guess you didn't catch the last article about that huh.
@Michael J Backus: The facia thing was a early production piece and not an issue with current models.
@fdogz: It might not be the next Ferrari, but it owns the other cars in it's class.
@Ash78: The V6 makes damn near the power of the shitbox V8 mustangs.
@Mike Delozier: Toyota is crap, ask all the Camry owners who had to replace their engines due to the sludge issue, or the Tundra owners who's trucks are literally rusting in half.