
Pleasant but forgettable is an excellent description, Kate, but honestly, I'm cool with following a couple of pleasant shows out there along with the shows that I really like.

Ha! I know you're right, but damn, isn't there a way to keep the worms without it being SO easy to infect other people?

It's a fairly minor problem in a show filled with major problems (like less than a handful of characters I actually give a shit about), but man, I really don't like the basic setup with the worms. They're just too powerful. How do you fight a vampire, one on one, withOUT the worms somehow hitting your body and

Worst thing about watching The Bridge? Having to see that insufferable Kristen Bell/Dax Shepard commercial, even being fast-forwarded through it manages to be annoying.

I'm just over the moon that somehow both Hank AND Lucy have survived. Wow, did not expect to see 2 for 2 there.

I don't think he's shallow because of that. I think he's shallow because he's been depicted as being a shallow guy the whole run of the series.

"I’m not sure what upsets me more: Langham prostituting himself to keep his job, or the show’s implication that a woman like Flo would have to have that kind of leverage over someone like Langham to get him to sleep with her. "

While this show is a lot better than Dexter, it reminds me a bit of Dexter in the sense that any scenes without the lead characters in them just seem pointless. I love Lester, so his scenes were less annoying (and Brandt has been excellent), but even then, it just seems so superfluous.

I don't have any real familiarity with AA (beyond fiction), so is that a normal thing? To tell people you forgive them? I thought you were supposed to make amends, in the sense that you were supposed to apologize for the things YOU did wrong, not forgive people for what THEY did wrong. The former makes sense to me,

I agree that it is not like she was any great shakes herself. She was just a lot better than Jost. If Che had just replaced BOTH of them, I'd be totally cool with it.

It's weird, though, because the head writer thing had been done TWICE. Yes, it worked both times, but TWO times in thirty plus years is not exactly proof that it should be repeated. But I agree with you, that seems to be exactly what Lorne is doing - he is now locked into "Head writer gets to be WU anchor if he/she

Few things could be sadder than Jost and Kenan trying to host Update together.

Che had a "talk show" on Best Week Ever that was really funny. It was a one minute talk show, just a riff on talk shows. He previously hosted a "black news" segment of the show that was…less good (but still pretty funny, because he's a funny guy).

What kills me the most is that I saw "Michael Che added as Weekend Update anchor" and I thought, "Oh man, they actually replaced Jost! Awesome! Che and Strong, that can definitely work." And then I read more and…sad feelings.

Yeah, if she wanted out, then more power to her. But if so, the new anchors should have been an open audition and not clearly what they actually did, which was "Who works best with Jost?"

If they seriously tried a bunch of pairings, I find it hard to believe that Beck Bennett/Michael Che would ever be beaten out by Jost/Che. I think by "a bunch of pairings," they meant "a bunch of pairings WITH JOST ASSURED HIS SPOT, OF COURSE, FOR SOME REASON."

If Strong wanted to leave, then I guess this is better than the worst case scenario of Jost hosting solo. Che is awesome and he'd be a fine anchor on his own, but man, keeping Jost…just so brutal. I find it extremely difficult to believe that Jost tested well with ANY co-host. Unless maybe there was a co-host pairing

What an awesome idea about the reruns. Smart, NBC! Unlike, you know, the moronic decision to not let Jost go.

One of the most interesting things about re-watching Miami Vice is seeing the great job their casting department did - so many stars before they were stars. Bruce Willis is naturally the most famous but Liam Neeson and Julia Roberts both had spotlight episodes, as well (plus Melissa Leo had a great episode, as well,

While I enjoyed both scenes, both Coral's speech to Libby the other episode and Betty's response to Gene just did not ring true for me based on the era. In the late 1950s, Betty is going to lie through her teeth to Gene, not basically confirm his suspicions. Similarly, Coral is either going to quit or take Libby's