
It takes real effort for the Skyline chili logo to be the third-worst sight in a photograph, but there ya go.

Calling Peter King a 'journalist' is like calling a stalker 'someone who's just really into that person'.

Premium Club members receive their own personal Native American to denigrate just in time for the holiday season.

Dan Snyder's move for "Valid by smoke signal only" was outvoted.

He should've let that knee heal completely instead of trying to force his way in. Now he's like that guy who used to play college basketball at the Rec center. You can tell he might've been something at one point, but whatever that was is gone.

Was he just a bad quarterback? Or did the Skins ruin him?

I think the most surprising thing in all of this is that a Doug Baldwin cardboard cutout exists.

Yes... except the passs interference is part of what made ODB so great. His whole flow would / should have been interrupted. Not making a catch in your own rhythm is REALLY hard.

Now playing

This post doesn't exist if not for the excuse to look up Oronde Gadsden highlights.

My only question for all these fucktards is this: if niggas stop saying nigga, will America stop treating us like niggas? Will they stop gentrifying our neighborhoods, forcing our most vulnerable into substandard schools and using the criminal justice system as its preferred way of dealing with black dissent? Funny

Idk anything about this guy...maybe he's a terrible human being, maybe he's a great dude...but I do hate when groups (be it ethnic groups, women, LGBTQ, etc.) claim they want a "dialogue", when in fact all they want is to express a certain opinion and have all other groups accept it as fact.

Nothing makes me feel more at ease as a black man than knowing that Mike Wise has my & my three sons' back. Honestly what the fuck is ESPN thinking with this Black Grantland and couldn't they have chosen a better journalist than Uncle Whitlock? The man is self serving, bloated, race baiting cooning piece of shit in

Did Mike Wise ghostwrite this comment?

in college I took an Africana studies class and we'd read aloud from various texts and it was basically people's choice if they quoted the n-word directly or said "n-word" and there was this one white girl who always made a big show out of saying "n-word" until one day she got in a minor argument about privilege with

"Also my father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate once donated to the NAACP SO IT'S PERSONAL ASSHOLE!!"

that was my thought when i saw this! get out of my head.

Since Mike Wise is actually a dumb idiot, Whitlock should change his name to Jason Notfat.

No one is allowed to use the word in my house. Not even Shaq, whose autobiography I ghostwrote.

"Some of my closest ghostwriting clients are black."