
I'm gonna have to delete some of my installs to have enough room


I can't believe no one thought of this

I feel like I've read an almost identical article here recently.

I've loved Google Buzz from the get-go. All this complaining is incredibly annoying.

Here's an alternative... exit the basement and interact with other humans who can take your photo.

Image how useful this could be to aggregate wedding photos from all the different wedding guests

lifehacker ftw

If there is indeed unlimited free storage, this site is going to catch on fast... really fast.

Physical storage? Wow, I was expecting online storage.

This is a great idea. I could see Google implementing this idea either into Docs, or as a separate music app analogous to Picasa for photos.

While technology can be a great starting point, the most important tool doesn't involve the internet. It's Word of Mouth. Going out and talking with locals will teach you a lot in a short amount of time. Sometimes the most valuable information simply can't be looked up on the web.

Can anyone confirm that the limit of 5000 files no longer applies? Otherwise it's pointless for me to pay for extra storage.

Are all lifehacker users paranoid about google storing their private information? Realize that you have a greater chance of getting struck by lightning than getting personally exploited by google.

@jordan314: You may be experiencing cache issues. Try clearing your browser cache if changes that should be showing up aren't.