
I know a ton of others have said it, but I want to throw my voice in with the VirtualBox group.

The hotmail forwarding works about 9% of the time. Some accounts it won't let you forward to any domain that isnt microsoft (even though it says you can). I am one of the lucky ones and hotmail lets me forward to gmail, but many get shafted by the fantastic Windows Live service.

If you were to go with the smaller moleskine, like the pocket-sized one, you can get one of those for right around $10. I know, because my mother-in-law picked one up for me at Borders (while I was there, which was funny) for my stocking. :D

I read the book about this called "Dreaming in Code: Two Dozen Programmers, Three Years, 4,732 Bugs, and One Quest for Transcendent Software (Hardcover)" :

I forget who, but someone gave my wife something like this simple black leather book weight:

Heh, the video has already been pulled.

What about Picasa or Picasa Web Albums. I know flickr is popular but I definitely like Web Albums a lot better.

@OP: The Coast Guard needs boat safety tips?

I'd love one! brianarn att gmail dott com please :)

In a woodworker magazine, a guy had plans for a peg board setup that was hinged. Behind the pegboard, he had a piece of plexi that spanned the width of the pegboard. The manuals for his stuff were placed behind there... though it could get full.

Actually, writing a check and using your checkcard take about the same time if the check is pre-written. The same thing goes for using cash. The time differences are within three to four seconds of each other. There was an article on it recently, if I knew where it was I would post it.

how would this help if the MD5 you received was compromised? Doesn't seem that it would be good in terms of security. If the file you are receiving is bad, then more than likely that file could be compromised too.

We used to make these back in the 80s when I was a kid. We would take the small, round magnets and laminate them with the paper thing you wanted to stick to the fridge. We took cartoon characters, etc and made our own magnets. Easy.

@Eugene: Holy cow! 5K! That's insane. You must make about 100K a year! I make 50K, have a wife and a one year old daughter and I only got 1700 back. I deferred 5% of my income to a 403B and a TSP, gave about $1000 to charity and claimed mileage because I am in the National Guard and I travel a lot to Drills and I

As someone who has an iBook G4 12" and a Wii, I really like the sound of iTheater. I can hook it up to the TV and use my Wii to control it remotely, since I don't have a remote proper, and I won't have a legit copy of Front Row until Leopard.

Looks neat. Could probably use a razor blade to cut out the holes and scissors for everything else. I'm excited about it.. gonna have to go get a color ink cartridge. I have card stock paper for these kinds of uses!

Neat, but very busy!

Neat.. The scrolling listview needs work, but other than that it is simple and easy to use. I like it.

College is what you make of it. His list goes against the philosophy that college is for learning not for OJT. Depending on what side of the fence you are on, you will either agree or disagree with the items on his list. College isn't necessarily all about life skills.