Brian M Jones

Dont ask dont tell was repealed. But that doesn't mean you can start having gay sex everywhere.

Yeah, sounds like a great place to not visit!

Every president makes promises they can't or don't keep, hell every politician ever born has done that. It's the nature of the beast.

Also how many is a batch? 1, 5, 10?

Don't forget using the river as a heat sink. I know they've toyed with using ocean water to cool servers before.

The intro is way more Space Wolves than Ultramarines anyway....

Never work, the cable company could just blacklist any devices they don't want to be used on the network and pow no tv for u, or cable modem. Unless there's a federal mandate that consumers can use whatever device they want on the network it won't work.

We need FEWER cheap laser pointers in the hands of retarded kids/adolescents/teenagers/adults not MORE.

Apple should let me test their new phones. I'm like an idiot savant at not losing my phone. Plus you know, free phones...

Correct. After initiation but before all their implants and additional organs are functional they are scouts. After years/decades of proving themselves they will be made full brothers and allowed to wear power armor. They will then join one of the chapters tactical squads. After more years/decades they can join an

aww come on it just looks like intestines jumbled up into a ball......


I'd go with sprint if they get the iPhone 5 and keep unlimited data, especially if I can get an employee discount, AT&T, VZW, and TMO all offer my company discounts, not sure about Sprint. But I'd give them a shot considering they're cheaper than the others even if their coverage isn't as good, I spend 90% of my time

Having been outside in a hurricane before, that umbrella is ONLY for show. Nothing will keep you dry, NOTHING.

Oh the humanity....

You need a replacement battery in a year? wha.......An external battery powered charger is cheaper to juice up your phone when you're not at home. I have to carry a laptop any time I'm not at work or home....for I always have a charger on me anyway.

or a Mazda.....

Minneapolis uses granule, it's super effective!


Nothing, Samsung has CONTRACTS to provide the parts. If they don't re-up next year or whatever the term is someone else will. Apple throws around billions of dollars in cash each year for components to build iPads and iPhones and iPods. If the memory is suddenly faulty Samsung will get reamed out in court.