Brian M Jones

@scoobydoo: Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of equipment. Possibly a billion+ Actually, very likely at least a billion dollars.

@Liam: It doesn't. Adams WIFE wrote everything for him. And these plates are reported to have numerous spelling errors in the names of places in Yellowstone. Adams wife grew up in the Yellowstone area and knew the area very well. It's unthinkable that she would have made that many spelling mistakes.

Would be a LOT more impressive if EVERY part was used.

:( I was wondering what the PvZ update was last night!

Yeah your house is grounded and all that jazz, your using surge protectors that have a $20,000 coverage. But lightning doesn't give a fuck like you said. Those surge protectors have a clamping voltage they do not cut off instantly they take a very small fraction of a second to cut off and that lightning is fast and it

Waiting till the battlechest comes out in 2-4 years so I can get all 3 games for a reasonable price. Not going to buy the game 3 times at $50 a pop. I only like SC for the single player campaign anyway. Multiplayer in RTS doesn't do anything for me.

Still waiting for a 0 disk unlimited streaming plan. Sure there's movies I want to see on occasion that aren't on streaming. But they SHOULD be since they're older.